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St Joseph Statue – Bury your Real Estate Agent today

Trying to sell your house these days can feel as pointless and protracted as Britney Spears’ custody battle; there seems to be no point, and there seems to be no end. Britney has been able to tie up her case, but what about you? Well, I have an idea for you…
From Reno to Charlotte to Milwaukee, people have started talking about… Read more.
Article on the burying of a St. Joseph statue
Why do people bury a statue of a Saint in their garden? How could it be nice to a real Saint to bury a statue of him in the ground? These questions came to me when I was looking in to the old tradition to bury a statue of St Joseph when you want to sell your house.
To be honest, I was first a little bit confused when my friend told me that he sold his house thanks to a statue of Saint Joseph.… Read more.
Saint Joseph – Patron Saint of the Housing Market

Worried about the mortgage crisis? Do balloon payments and rising interest rates have you down? Don’t turn to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac for comfort. Relief from your high payments can come from a higher, divine source.
Saint Joseph the Betrothed, patron saint of craftsmen, carpenters and… mortgage brokers can help relieve you of your home and its hihg monthly payments. But how… Read more.
Always losing things? Pray to St Anthony to help you find lost items

Do you have a problem with losing items around your home? Lots of people are frustrated all the time at losing small household object, important papers, toys, games, clothing and other items that seems to just disappear. If you are constantly losing items that you can never find having a statue of St. Anthony in your home and praying to St. Anthony of Padua might help you find all those lost items.… Read more.
Vacation? Bring a Medal of St. Christopher

Have you ever heard of the custom of taking a St. Christopher’s medal with you on a trip? Or maybe you’ve gotten into a cab or a rental car and found a statue of St. Christopher on the dashboard? That’s because St. Christopher is the patron saint of travelers, among other things, and travelers all over the world carry a medal or a small statue of St. Christopher to keep them safe from… Read more.
St Francis can help you find peace in life

Are you stressed out? Do you go through your days just trying to manage the stress from all the commitments that you have? Driving the kids to school and activities, going to work, making it to the grocery store in time to pick up something for dinner, cleaning the house, making the doctors appointments and so on are all tasks that people deal with everyday that can cause a lot of stress. Many people… Read more.
St Peregrine – Patron Saint of Cancer Patients
Do you know someone that is suffering from cancer?
Pray to St Peregrine, the Patron Saint of Cancer Patients If you have a loved one that is suffering from a serious illness like cancer, AIDS, or any other life threatening disease or if you yourself are suffering from a serious disease you should pray to St. Peregrine, the patron saint of the seriously ill. People who have serious illnesses… Read more.
Pray to St. Bernadette for Help Dealing with Illness

Are you having trouble dealing with a serious illness? Does someone in your family or a friend or neighbor have a serious illness? Praying to can help you and your loved ones find peace and might even help heal your illness. St. Bernadette of Lourdes is one of the most beloved Catholic saints and her story is very unusual.
Bernadette… Read more.
Having Trouble with Your Children? Praying to St. Monica can Help
Do you have willful children? Are you constantly upset because your children disobey you and make bad choices without taking any advice? If you’re at your wit’s end with your kids and you’re worried about what will happen to them and what types of choices they will make later in life you’re not alone. Keep a statue of St. Monica in your home and pray to her for guidance and support… Read more.
St Benedict – Why him

Famously referred to as St. Benedict of Nursia, this saint came from a rather eminent kindred that lived in Rome and had everything a boy had in his time. No one could have guessed that this well off, humble and reclusive character would get drawn to the monastic life that he chose to live. He lived to be a selfless monk and preached humility, selflessness, balance and moderation. He encouraged… Read more.