St Joseph articles 3

Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of environment


Born Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone and later nicknamed ‘Francesco’ meaning the Frenchman, St Francis of Assisi is one of the most celebrated saints in the Catholic Church. He was the son of a prosperous silk trader and a mother of noble extraction. In his youth, the young Francis enjoyed the life of opulence afforded by his father’s wealth, which is rather interesting because he would later… Read more.

Saint George: Turkish-born Roman soldier celebrated as the patron saint of England


Many people wrongly believe that the patron saint of England, Saint George, is of English heritage. However, despite being the symbol of the famed English principles of gallantry, chivalry and honor, George’s roots have nothing to do with England. Additionally, the life story of St. George as we know it today is not based on verifiable facts for the simple reason that very little or nothing at… Read more.

Patron saints for the blind: Raphael, Lucy and Odilia of Alsace


Blindness affects many people around the world. Blind people, however, are just as capable as anyone else. Faith is an important factor for the blind. Faith helps guide them where they cannot see. Faith protects them from the dangers they do not see coming. Faith helps them achieve greatness as anyone else does. Faith in God and the saints helps blind people see in their minds and souls. Blindness… Read more.

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