Tim and Loiey

February 2, 2021

Hello, you asked so kindly to write and tell if everything went down well. And last week we sold the house to a really good price. Finally we can relax after so long time with this… Thank you St Joseph  – We buried a statue of him 2 weeks ago, and hes blessings really saved us.

Regards Tim and Loiey

January 19, 2021


Thank you for your help with everything! And bless Saint Joseph for my sale. Veronica

I dont know how it happened or why, but I buried a statue and got a fast sale 🙂 John

January 15, 2021

I had never heard about the potential good luck from burying a St Joseph statute. After a co-worker informed me I gave a St. Joseph statute to my daughter and son in law on a Saturday April 7th. Their house had been on the market for about 3 weeks with no offers. They buried the statute Sunday April 8th and 36 hours later they had 2 offers. Monday evening after negotiations they accepted 1 of the offers. Praise to St Joseph. After closing it will be dug up and taken to their new home where it will be honored.

January 7, 2021

Thank you St Joseph! What to say – this really works, Saint Joseph helped me with my sale, just like all my friends has told me. Thanks you again

Carmen S

January 1, 2021

We put our home on the market in mid May.We had quite a few showings in the beginning and then all of a sudden it was as if our listing had fallen off the face of the earth. I remembered about St. Joseph and how he helped me sell our last home. I ordered the statue online and it said that it would be here in 3-5 business days. I decided to start two prayer novenas while waiting for the statue to arrive. We had to sell the home quickly because my husband had been transferred to California and was already working there. I prayed every day ,waiting for the statue.

The statue still had not arrived on the 9th day of the novenas. I finished both novenas and within an hour I received two calls for showings that day! We had not had a showing for 30 days! We had showings booked that whole weekend. Meanwhile,the statue arrived 11 days later. We buried it upside down,facing the house and religiously prayed every day. I started new novenas to St. Jude and the Sacred heart of Jesus and Mary. We had many showings, and lots of bites, but within 5 1/2 weeks we had 1 offer and then 3 days later another! We accepted the first cash offer and everthing went smoothly.Our home was 14 years old and evn passed the inspection with flying colors! I believe with my whole heart that my house sold with divine intervention from all I prayed too. You just have to believe and have faith, and a lot of patience(which was hard for me).

Thank you St. Joseph,St.Jude, Jesus and Mary for listening to and answering my

We honored St. Joseph by putting his statue on our mantel for everyone to see and
pay homage to!!!

Mary Clapp

December 16, 2020

Thank you saint Joseph. We had our home on the market for nearly one year and needed to sell as my husbands company were closing and we needed to move to another country,
We were told by a family member to put a statue of Saint Joseph outside of the front door, which we did for a couple of months, but it did not work. However, a family friend told us that we needed to bury the statue of St.Joseph in the earth close to the front doot and within a couple of days of doing that we had sold our home. Another friend who is a devotet catholic also prayed to Saint Joseph on our behalf during this time. Thank youSt.Joseph for your help, it means a lot to our family.

August 29, 2020

I buried the St. Joseph statue on Monday and received a full price offer on Friday.  Each day I prayed the prayer to St. Joseph asking him to help sell our house and our prayers were answered!  I am a firm believer!

February 7, 2020

Hi St joseph I just wanted to thank you for the hints and tips you gave me on our email conversation. Its good to know that some homepages still answer emails. Thanks

February 7, 2019

Hi, I ordered a statue Kit 3 weeks ago, it arrived after only 2 days! The house was sold 4 days later, but honestly I didnt have time to bury the statue, but it seems to work anyway 🙂 Best Regards

St Joseph Statue - Saint Joseph Statue - Home Sales kit