Saint Statue – Top Ten

Have you gone into some house and found a statue placed on a nice area to decorate the room? Statues can be a great plus to the interior looks of a room. But there is something special and unique that comes with religious statues in addition to the beauty they bring in the room that they are kept; a sense of peace and closeness to God. If you doubt this, you should consider having one of the following top ten Saint Statues available in the market today.
The Saint Jude Statue – It will most of the time come with Jude holding Jesus very close to his heart depictive of the closeness the two had. A flame on his forehead is symbolic of baptism by fire and the carpenters rule in his hand, the first occupation of Jesus.

The Saint Joseph Statue – This features Saint Joseph the father of Jesus. It will most often come with him holding a statue of baby Jesus in his hands. Some statues will have Joseph holding flowers which serves to bring the peaceful environment that you desire.

The Saint Michael Statue – This is a statue of the great angel Michael. As you would expect, he is featured having strong wings and an armor depictive of how he successfully battled Satan from heaven. If you want inspiration and power when you are about to face a challenging task, then this statue will work well for you.

The Saint Gabriel Statues – This is the statue of the angel considered as being the greatest. His name means he who is like God and signifies the protection power that God has assigned to His people.

The Saint Patrick Statue – features saint Patrick mostly in a green and white biblical era clothing and holding a priestly stuff in his hand. He also has a golden priestly hat that has the sign of the cross.

The Saint Francis Statue – One of the most popular saint statues. It is one piece that you can use for indoors or outdoor purposes.
The Saint Peregrine Statue – It is a statue of the saint Peregrine that will most often feature him showing a wounded leg symbolic of the suffering of the saints for the sake of the gospel.

The Saint Therese Statue – This is a nice piece for those who love gold and nature. It is a statue of a woman holding fruits in her hands and dressed in the Biblical style with a gold colored dress.

The Saint Anthony Statue – It features a man, Anthony, who was born in a very wealthy family but chose to leave all the luxuries and became a priest for the sake of Christ.

The Saint Fiacre Statue – He is commonly referred to as the patron saint of gardeners. His stay in the monastery taught him a deep love for silence and gardening which are portrayed in his statue.

Author: James Murray

St Joseph Statue - Saint Joseph Statue - Home Sales kit