St Clare – The first follower of St Francis

Clare the first woman disciple of Saint Francis of Assisi was among the church’s holiest and dearly loved saints. She was born Chiara Offreduccio on 16th July 1194 at Assisi, Italy, to a count father and a countess mother. Clare was blessed with a heart of giving at a very tender age and would give out her father’s property to the less fortunate in the community. Her journey to sainthood began when she heard St. Francis of Assisi preach. Moved by the Sermon, she confided to St. Francis on her passion to serve and become closer to God.  When Clare was given a palm by St. Francis on Palm Sunday it renewed her vigor of becoming a Franciscan. She claimed that the symbolic gesture by St. Francis was a sign from God and the same night she sneaked out of her house to meet St. Francis and his friars.

Although her family was initially not impressed by the thought their daughter becoming a Franciscan, this did not deter her resolve. Clare was the founder of the order of Poor Ladies, now known as poor Clare’s, at Damiano, and headed it for 40 years. The Franciscans spread their tentacles throughout Europe. Later, Clare’s mother, Agnes, her sister, and other young women joined her to become brides of Jesus. St. Clare and her sisters lived in squalor, without money, shoes, meat and kept silent most of the time. This did not constrain them from being happy because God was with them most of the time. This beautiful Saint has been credited with performing miracles on numerous occasions. Once, the convent was under attack by a marauding army. Clare albeit sick repulsed them with prayers.
Another account is given of the saint multiplying oil and bread when the rations ran out in the convent. She healed the sick by placing the cross over the sick. Humble, full of charm and optimism, merciful, chivalrous are just some of the words that can best describe this servant of God who meditated every day on the passion of God. In 1253, Clare died after dedicating most of her life to God. She was buried in the church of St. George where it is said many miracles have taken place. Later became to be known as the Poor Clare’s.

Statues of St. Clare in Your Home

People buy statues for different reasons. Some purchase them as a remembrance of St. Clare’s life while others for cosmetic purposes. Statues of St. Clare can be found in parishes and (online) stores that stock catholic products. The statues come in different sizes and prizes. Materials that are used in making the statue will also determine how much it cost. Outdoor statues can be huge. Small homes should invest in smaller statues.

Louice S.L

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