Our Home Selling Kits
Do you need help to ? We sell the St Joseph Home Selling Kit that has helped thousands and thousands of people before you, to sell their home.
today and become one of many others who put their trust and faith to themselves and in St Joseph.
Read under Testimonials how other people have succeeded with their sale with the help of a St Joseph statue
Buy Saint Joseph Statues – Sell your home
St Josephs Home Selling Kit is the perfect kit for you to sell your house. This beautiful kit includes a nice painted statue of Saint Joseph, along with Burial Instructions and a Prayer Card. This is our most sold Home Sale Kit.
Super Discount price – Only $12.47 – Down from $17.97
The St Joseph Home Sales Kit includes everything you need to sell your home with the blessing from Saint Joseph.
Super Discount price – Only $9.47 – Down from $12.97
This Home Selling Kit is complete with a handmade statue of St Joseph, a booklet consisting prayers to Saint Joseph and a uniqe medallion only provided in this kit.
Saint Michael is the defender and protector of faith. He is also believed to bring good fortune to people praying to him.
Discount price, down from $18.97
St. Jude was one of the 12 apostles of Jesus and a relative to Our Savior. He is the Patron Saint of desperate causes, and is the one you shall pray to when you don´t know where to turn.
Discount Price down from $16.99
All information you need about St Joseph the Worker; how to bury a statue of St Joseph, the History of Saint Joseph and Prayers to St Joseph.
A Perfect Complement to a St Joseph Home Selling Kit.
A Perfect Complement to a St Joseph Home Selling Kit.
Discount Price down from $3.50.